Serbia Bird Photo Tour 2024

Serbia Bird Photography Tour

1st – 8th June 2024


To confirm your place please complete the Tour Booking Form and pay the Deposit via Paypal below. Please ensure you read fully the Terms & Conditions and view the Planned Itinerary

The balance will be due 10 weeks prior to the Tour Start Date. You will be notified when the balance is due, payable by Bank Transfer.

    Your Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Choose Tour

    Address and Postcode (required)

    Mobile Number (required)

    Next of Kin Name and Contact Number (required)

    Level of Photography

    Please tick if you have any dietary requirements
    VegetarianVeganGluten Free

    How did you find out about Paul Miguel Wildlife Photography Tours? (Web search, Facebook, Friends, Previous client...)

    Method of Payment (Booking will be confirmed upon receipt of deposit)
    ChequePaypalBank Transfer

    Please tick to agree to the Tour Terms and Conditions of booking including travel insurance necessary (required).
    I agree on behalf of myself and/or other participants in the Tour

    Serbia Bird Photo Tour June 2024

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